to hold fast
to continue to believe in something strongly
What is the origin of the idiom "hold fast" and when to use it?
The idiom "hold fast" originates from nautical terminology and refers to the action of keeping a ship in a fixed position despite external forces, such as strong winds or turbulent waters. It conveys the idea of maintaining a steadfast and unwavering position, often in the face of challenges or opposition. The phrase is primarily used to emphasize the importance of resilience, determination, and not yielding under pressure.
Despite facing criticism, she held fast to her beliefs and refused to compromise her principles.
By this time next year, we will have stood fast and accomplished our goals.
The brave soldiers stood firm, determined to turn back the advancing enemy troops.
The squatty guard stood firm, blocking the entrance.
Despite the difficult circumstances, the leader held firm and reassured the team with unwavering confidence.