Nose ride
nose ride, pagsakay sa ilong
(surfing) the act of riding the front part of the surfboard while maintaining balance and control
What is a "nose ride"?
A nose ride is a surfing maneuver where the surfer rides at the front of the board, typically with their feet positioned near the nose, while the wave carries them forward. This technique is most commonly seen in longboard surfing, where the board is longer and more stable. The surfer shifts their weight to the front of the board, sometimes even hanging their toes off the edge, to balance and maintain control while the wave moves them along. A successful nose ride requires good timing, balance, and the ability to read the wave to stay in the right position.
He 's practicing his nose ride technique for the competition.
She achieved a long nose ride on the glassy waves.
The surfer maintained his balance during the nose ride.

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