Quarter note
a note symbol representing a duration equal to one quarter of the value of a whole note
What is a "quarter note"?
A quarter note is a musical symbol that represents a duration of one beat in common time. It is depicted as a filled-in circle with a stem. In written music, a quarter note lasts for a shorter period compared to half notes and whole notes, making it a common choice for rhythmically precise passages. Its duration helps to create a steady beat and maintain rhythm within a piece of music.
She played the quarter notes with a steady pulse, maintaining the tempo throughout the performance.
The melody begins with a series of quarter notes, establishing the rhythmic pattern of the piece.
The bass line provided a solid foundation by accentuating the quarter notes on each downbeat.
The conductor emphasized the importance of counting the beats accurately, starting with the quarter notes.
As a percussionist, he focused on the precision of his strikes, ensuring each quarter note was played with clarity and consistency.