What is a "caesura"?
A caesura is a musical mark indicating a significant pause or break in the music. It is usually placed above the staff and signals that performers should take a brief stop or rest, creating a moment of silence or separation within the musical phrase. The caesura helps to shape the music's phrasing and expression, allowing performers to add dramatic effect or emphasize a particular section.
مکث شعری, سکته
What is "caesura"?
Caesura is a pause or break within a line of poetry, often occurring mid-verse. It can be indicated by punctuation, such as a comma or period, or it can be a natural pause in speech. Caesura adds rhythm and emphasis to a poem, allowing for a moment of reflection or highlighting a particular idea or emotion. This technique can create a sense of tension or surprise, influencing how the poem is read and interpreted. By incorporating caesura, poets enhance the musicality of their work and engage the reader's attention.
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