Aunt Sally
بازی عمه سالی, بازی حذف عمه سالی
a traditional English game where players try to knock a doll named "Aunt Sally" off a stand by throwing sticks or balls
What is "Aunt Sally"?
Aunt Sally is a traditional pub game from England that dates back to the 17th century and was originally played at fairs. The game involves throwing wooden sticks, called "dolls," at a wooden peg, known as "the dolly," which is placed on a stand. The aim is to knock the dolly off without hitting the stand. Each successful hit scores a point, and players take turns to compete. Aunt Sally requires skill, precision, and practice to master the throws. It remains a popular social game in some regions.
We played Aunt Sally at the village fair last weekend and had a great time.
I finally knocked the dolly off the stand in Aunt Sally after a few tries.
Have you ever tried Aunt Sally?
آنت سالی, شخص یا چیزی خیالی که در بحثها یا گفتگوها اغلب مورد انتقاد یا سرزنش قرار میگیرد.
an imaginary person or thing often criticized or blamed in discussions or arguments
In the office banter, coworkers affectionately referred to the outdated coffee machine as " Aunt Sally, " jokingly blaming it for their caffeine-related woes.
In the meeting, Sarah mentioned " Aunt Sally " to symbolize a hypothetical customer unhappy with the proposed changes, stressing the importance of addressing possible concerns.