Tightrope walker
طنابزن, شخصی که بر روی طناب راه میرود
a performer who walks along a thin, stretched rope or wire high above the ground
Who is a "tightrope walker"?
A tightrope walker is a performer who skillfully walks across a narrow, elevated wire or rope, often stretched high above the ground. This act requires exceptional balance, concentration, and agility to move steadily along the tightrope without falling. Tightrope walkers may also incorporate tricks and acrobatics into their performance, such as balancing on one foot or performing flips. Their performances are designed to captivate and thrill audiences with their daring and precise movements.
tightrope walker
The tightrope walker's fearless performance left spectators in awe of their remarkable balance and grace.
The tightrope walker captivated the audience as they gracefully navigated the high wire with precision and poise.
The circus featured a renowned tightrope walker who thrilled crowds with their breathtaking performances.
As a skilled tightrope walker, she amazed spectators with her daring feats of balance and agility.
Tightrope walkers often undergo extensive training to develop the physical and mental skills needed for their daring acts.