to throw away
[phrase form: throw]
دور انداختن
to get rid of what is not needed or wanted anymore
I will throw away the old magazines cluttering the living room.
She decided to throw away the broken toys.
Can you throw the expired items away from the pantry?
هدر دادن, از دست دادن
to fail to make the most of a valuable capability or chance
The team was advised not to throw away their chances of victory by underestimating their opponents.
: It 's crucial not to throw away the hard-earned skills you've developed over the years.
Athletes must be diligent to avoid throwing away the natural talent they possess.
پول را دور ریختن, هزینه کردن بی ارزش
to expend money in a wasteful manner
Do n't throw your savings away on unnecessary luxuries.
Be cautious not to throw away your income on impulsive purchases.
Throwing away money on frivolous expenses can lead to financial difficulties.