to sift
الک کردن
to pass a powdered substance through a sieve or fine mesh to remove lumps or impurities
Transitive: to sift a powdered substance
He sifted the powdered sugar over the dessert for a decorative finish.
The baker is sifting the baking soda into the dry ingredients right now.
She sifts the flour before adding it to the cake batter for smooth consistency.
الک کردن, بررسی دقیق
to carefully examine or sort through something
Intransitive: to sift through items
غربال کردن, رد شدن
to move through or fall as if through a sieve
Intransitive: to sift through sth
He sifted the powdered sugar over the dessert for a decorative finish.
The baker is sifting the baking soda into the dry ingredients right now.
She sifts the flour before adding it to the cake batter for smooth consistency.
While baking, he was sifting the spices for the curry recipe.
They will sift the cocoa powder for the chocolate frosting.