Grading scale
escala de calificación, escala de evaluación
a system used to assess and categorize students' academic performance based on predetermined criteria
What is a "grading scale"?
A grading scale is a system used to convert students' performance into letter grades or numerical values, providing a standardized way to evaluate academic achievement. In most grading scales, higher grades like A or 90-100% represent excellent performance, while lower grades such as D or below 60% indicate poor performance. The grading scale may vary by institution or country, but it generally helps teachers, students, and schools communicate academic progress and determine outcomes like passing or failing. Grading scales may include additional symbols or classifications, such as pluses and minuses, to offer further detail about performance.
The university implemented a new grading scale to provide more transparency and consistency in evaluating student work.
Students were relieved to hear that the grading scale for the final project would be based on both creativity and technical proficiency.
The grading scale ranged from A to F, with A representing exceptional performance and F indicating failure to meet the minimum requirements.

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