Olive oil
British pronunciation/ˈɒlɪv ˈɔɪl/
American pronunciation/ˈɑːlɪv ˈɔɪl/

aceite de oliva

an oil that is pale yellow or green, made from olives, and often used in salads or for cooking

What is "olive oil"?


Olive oil is a versatile oil made from pressed olives, widely used in cooking, dressings, and dips. It comes in varieties like extra virgin, virgin, and regular or refined. Extra virgin olive oil, extracted without heat or chemicals, is the highest quality and most flavorful, often used in salads or low-heat cooking. Virgin olive oil is similar but slightly lower in quality, while regular olive oil is more refined and milder, suitable for higher-heat cooking. Olive oil offers health benefits like monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, promoting heart health and overall well-being

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