to destroy
zerstören, vernichten
to cause damage to something in a way that it no longer exists, works, etc.
Transitive: to destroy sth
Environmental pollution often destroys delicate ecosystems and harms wildlife.
Wars and conflicts frequently destroy historical landmarks.
Yesterday, the fire tragically destroyed the old library, consuming many valuable books.
zerstören, verwüsten
to cause someone severe emotional or spiritual harm
Transitive: to destroy sb
Her betrayal destroyed him, leaving him unable to trust anyone again.
The trauma from the war destroyed many soldiers, leaving them emotionally shattered.
Losing his lifelong partner destroyed him emotionally, and he withdrew from everyone.
zerstören, besiegen
to completely defeat or overpower someone
Transitive: to destroy an opponent
The champion boxer destroyed his opponent in the first round.
The team 's performance destroyed their rivals, leading to a crushing victory.
The invasion destroyed the enemy forces, leaving them with no means to fight back.
euthanasieren, töten
to end the life of an animal in a way intended to minimize suffering
Transitive: to destroy an animal
The vet had to destroy the horse after its injury proved untreatable.
The shelter had no choice but to destroy the stray dog because it was too aggressive.
The farmer decided to destroy the sick cow to prevent the disease from spreading.

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