to make one's blood boil
to cause someone to become extremely angry
What is the origin of the idiom "make one's blood boil" and when to use it?
The phrase "make one's blood boil" has its origins in the ancient belief that the body's humors, including the blood, were responsible for emotions and temperaments. This concept dates back to ancient Greek and Roman medicine, which posited that an imbalance in the humors could lead to various emotional states. It can be used in conversations, debates, or written pieces to emphasize the profound emotional impact of a particular event or circumstance.
The blatant corruption and abuse of power by government officials made her blood boil with anger and frustration.
Hearing about the company's disregard for worker safety regulations made his blood boil, prompting him to take action and advocate for change.
The offensive and discriminatory remarks made by the speaker during the conference made the audience's blood boil, leading to a collective outcry for accountability.

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