to hit the nail on the head
to say or do the exact right thing in a particular situation
What is the origin of the idiom "hit the nail on the head" and when to use it?
The idiom "hit the nail on the head" originated from carpentry, referring to literally striking a nail perfectly in one attempt on the center of its head with a hammer. This idiom emerged in the early 16th century, capturing how difficult but satisfactory it was to precisely target the small head of a nail. The expression is now used to describe getting straight to the heart of a matter, or precisely identifying and understanding an issue.
The coach analyzed my form and said I was holding the racket too tight - he really hit the nail on the head with that observation.
The detective hit the nail on the head when he suspected it was the jealous ex-spouse behind the crime.
In her speech, the politician hit the nail on the head about the real issues affecting voters.

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