to put away
[phrase form: put]
verstauen, aufbewahren
to place something where it should be after using it
The decorations were boxed up and put away for next year.
Can you put the toys away before bed?
I just finished washing the dishes and put them away.
wegwerfen, entsorgen
to discard something, especially something that is no longer useful or necessary
The milk had gone bad, so I had to put it away.
I decided to put away my old journals; they were just gathering dust.
After realizing the shoes were beyond repair, she decided to put them away.
schnell viel essen, eine große Menge essen
to eat a large amount of food quickly
He was so hungry, he put away the entire pizza in minutes.
After the marathon, she put away a huge meal.
ca n't believe how much food he can put away!
euthanisieren, einschläfern
to mercifully end an animal's life, often through a lethal injection
The vet had to put away the dog because of its severe injuries.
It's a tough decision, but sometimes it's kinder to put an animal away if it's suffering.
They had to put away the old horse after it broke its leg.
aufgeben, ablegen
to quit a bad habit or behavior, especially if it's an addiction
She finally decided to put her drug addiction away and seek help.
Realizing the harm it was causing, he put his drinking away.
After seeing the impact on her family, she put away her gambling addiction.
einsperren, unterbringen
to place someone in a prison or a mental institution
After the trial, they put him away for ten years.
The judge decided to put her away due to the severity of her crimes.
Due to his unstable behavior, they had to put him away in a mental institution.
besiegen, schlagen
to defeat an opponent decisively in a competition or game
The champion put away his challenger in just three rounds.
In the final set, she quickly put away her opponent with a series of powerful serves.
The team put away their rivals with a 5-0 victory.
beiseitelegen, ablegen
to stop thinking or worrying about something
She decided to put away her doubts and take the risk.
After hours of contemplation, he put away his concerns and made a decision.
They advised her to put away her fears and move forward.
zur Seite legen, sparen
to save money for future use
Every month, she puts a portion of her salary away for retirement.
He puts away $ 100 every week for his dream vacation.
It's wise to put some money away for unexpected emergencies.

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