Master of Letters

Master of Letters
Magister der Literatur, Meister der Buchstaben
a postgraduate degree that focuses on advanced studies in literature, language, or related disciplines
What is a "Master of Letters"?
A Master of Letters (MLitt) is a graduate degree that focuses on advanced studies in the humanities, often with a focus on research and writing. The program may cover subjects such as literature, philosophy, or history and typically requires the completion of a thesis. The Master of Letters is designed for students who wish to pursue academic research or careers in education, publishing, or writing.
James completed his MLitt in English Literature with a thesis exploring postcolonial narratives in contemporary fiction.
After earning her Bachelor's degree in Linguistics, Sarah enrolled in an MLitt program to further explore the structure of language.
Upon completing her undergraduate studies, Emily decided to pursue an Master of Letters to delve deeper into her passion for comparative literature.