to look on
[phrase form: look]
zusehen, beobachten
to watch an event or incident without getting involved
Passers-by simply looked on as the two men argued heatedly on the sidewalk.
The villagers looked on with apprehension as the strangers entered their town.
The bystanders looked on in horror as the accident unfolded before their eyes.
betrachten, anssehen
to regard someone or something in a particular way, especially with a specific perspective or understanding
Complex Transitive: to look on sb/sth with a specific attitude | to look on sb/sth as sb/sth
The teacher looked on the student's essay with favor, admiring its creativity and insightful analysis.
The manager looked on the new employee with skepticism, wondering if he would be able to handle the demanding workload.
The community looks on the new school as a symbol of progress.

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