অনুসন্ধান করুন
Hippocratic Oath
হিপোক্রেটিক শপথ, হিপোক্রেটের শপথ
a commitment by physicians to ethical principles in medical practice
What is the "Hippocratic Oath"?
The Hippocratic Oath is a promise that doctors make to practice medicine ethically and honestly. Named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, it includes commitments to treat patients to the best of one's ability, respect patient privacy, and avoid causing harm. The oath represents a set of ethical guidelines that have influenced medical practice for centuries, emphasizing the importance of honesty and caring in healthcare.
When I became a doctor, I recited the Hippocratic Oath as a promise to prioritize patient well-being.
The nurse was inspired by the principles of the Hippocratic Oath in her daily care.
Physicians often reflect on the Hippocratic Oath when faced with challenging ethical decisions.

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