অনুসন্ধান করুন
used to highlight the idea that investing energy and effort into a single endeavor can yield better results than dividing efforts across multiple tasks or projects
What is the origin of the proverb "better one house spoiled than two" and when to use it?
The origin of the proverb "better one house spoiled than two" is not tied to a specific author or text but comes from a traditional piece of wisdom found in various cultures. The proverb serves as a reminder that focusing on quality and committing fully to one endeavor can lead to better results than dividing attention between several tasks, which can lead to less satisfactory outcomes. However, this approach may not always be applicable, as some situations may require multitasking or balancing multiple responsibilities.
used to imply that it is better to sacrifice one thing to prevent the destruction or damage of two things, emphasizing the importance of making tough choices and prioritizing what is most valuable
What is the origin of the proverb "better one house spoiled than two" and when to use it?
The origin of the proverb "better one house spoiled than two" is not tied to a specific author or text but comes from traditional wisdom found in various cultures. This concept is rooted in the idea of prioritizing what matters most and accepting that sometimes tough decisions are necessary to prevent greater harm. While it encourages careful judgment and strategic thinking, it also acknowledges that such decisions may not always be easy or clear-cut.