অনুসন্ধান করুন
to plough through
[phrase form: plough]
পার করতে থাকানো, দৃঢ়তা নিয়ে কাজ করা
to work on something with determination, especially when it is long or challenging
নিরাপদে এগিয়ে যাওয়া, রোধের মধ্য দিয়ে যেতে থাকা
to forcefully make one's way through something, especially when facing resistance or difficulty
গিলতে থাকা, খেতে থাকা
to consume a large amount of something, especially food, quickly
নির্মমভাবে অতিক্রম করা, বাহন দ্বারা আঘাত করা
(of a vehicle or aircraft) to move uncontrollably and forcefully through something
plough through
I've got a 500-page book to plough through before the exam next week.
He ploughed through all his assignments in one night.
Determined to finish her thesis, she ploughed through stacks of research papers.
Determined to learn the language, she ploughed through the most advanced textbooks.
The ship ploughed through the heavy waves during the storm.