অনুসন্ধান করুন
পিলার, টেকার
স্টিল্ট, লম্বা পায়ের পাখি
What is a "stilt"?
A stilt is a striking wading bird renowned for its long, slender legs, elegant stature, and distinctively long neck. These birds are well adapted to wading through various wetland habitats, from shallow freshwater marshes to coastal mudflats. With their elongated legs, stilts can navigate through water with exceptional grace and balance. They often forage for aquatic invertebrates, small fish, and crustaceans, using their sharp bills to probe the water or mud for prey. Stilts showcase sexual dimorphism, with males typically displaying brighter plumage and more elaborate courtship displays to attract females. They are known for their distinctive and melodious calls, which can be heard as they take flight or communicate with their flock.
উঁচু লাঠি, দণ্ড