অনুসন্ধান করুন
বালথাসার, বালথাসার
(New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus
বালতাজার, বালতাজার (শराबের বোতল)
a large wine or champagne bottle size, typically holding 12 liters or equivalent to 16 regular wine bottles or 16 liters of champagne
What is a "balthazar"?
A balthazar is an exceptionally large-sized bottle used for holding wine. The exact volume can vary depending on the region and type of wine, but in general, a balthazar typically holds 12 liters which is the equivalent of sixteen standard bottles. Balthazar-sized bottles are extremely rare and are usually reserved for very special occasions or events where a massive quantity of wine is needed to serve a large number of guests.

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