অনুসন্ধান করুন
to nail down
[phrase form: nail]
নেইল দেওয়া, নখ দিয়ে আটকানো
to secure something in place by using nails
নিশ্চিত করা, নির্ধারণ করা
to finally come to an agreement or decision
নিশ্চিত করা, স্পষ্টভাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত করা
to make someone give a clear and definite answer or commitment
nail down
The construction crew is currently nailing down the baseboards in the new house.
The carpenter will nail down the shingles on the roof this afternoon.
Have you nailed down the plywood on the windows for the storm?
Our focus this week is nailing down the logistics for the event.
She nailed down the supplier to a fixed price.