অনুসন্ধান করুন
Labour of love
প্রেমের কাজ, স্নেহের শ্রম
something that is done only for the sake of pleasure and not for any rewards of any kind
What is the origin of the idiom "labour of love" and when to use it?
The phrase "labour of love" is derived from the combination of "labour," which refers to work or effort, and "love," which signifies deep affection or passion. It is used to describe a task, project, or activity that requires substantial effort and hard work, but is pursued willingly and with great passion. It implies that the motivation behind the work is driven by love, personal fulfillment, or a strong sense of dedication rather than for monetary gain or external rewards.
labour of love
The volunteers' organizing of the charity event was a labour of love.
Building the treehouse was a labour of love for Jack.