Open problem
مشكلة مفتوحة, قضية مفتوحة
a question or issue that has not yet been resolved or answered satisfactorily, often inviting further research, investigation, or debate
What is an "open problem"?
An open problem is a question or issue in a particular field of study that has not yet been solved or answered. It often requires further investigation, analysis, or creativity to find a solution. Open problems can exist in various areas, such as mathematics, science, or technology, and may range from theoretical questions to practical challenges. They are important because they encourage research, innovation, and deeper understanding, driving progress and new discoveries. Open problems often attract attention from experts and learners aiming to contribute to their resolution.
In mathematics, an open problem may involve finding a proof or solution to a conjecture that remains unproven despite extensive research efforts.
The field of neuroscience faces many open problems regarding the mechanisms underlying complex brain functions such as memory, consciousness, and decision-making.

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