to scratch a living
to have or earn just enough money or resources to meet basic needs and survive
What is the origin of the idiom "scratch a living" and when to use it?
The idiom "scratch a living" likely originates from the idea of scratching or scraping the ground in search of sustenance or resources, reminiscent of how animals might forage for food. It conveys the notion of barely managing to survive by making do with whatever resources are available, often in difficult or challenging circumstances.
Despite the challenges of being a single parent, she managed to scrape a living by working multiple jobs and prioritizing her children's needs.
With no formal education, she had to scratch a living by working as a day laborer in the construction industry.
Despite the difficult circumstances, they managed to scratch a living by selling homemade crafts.
Without any financial support, he had to scrape a living by doing odd jobs and relying on the generosity of neighbors for food.
In the remote village, families scratched a living from small-scale farming and livestock raising.