Hit piece
مقالة تشهيرية, تقارير تشويه
a report, article, etc. that aims to bring down someone by presenting forged facts
What is a "hit piece"?
A hit piece is a type of news article or report that is intended to damage the reputation of a person, organization, or group. It often focuses on negative aspects, exaggerates or distorts facts, and may be written with a bias or agenda. The goal of a hit piece is usually to discredit or criticize the subject in a way that influences public opinion. Hit pieces are considered unethical in journalism because they typically lack objectivity and fairness, aiming to harm rather than inform.
The article was nothing more than a hit piece, filled with unfounded accusations and personal attacks against the politician.
The celebrity 's publicist accused the tabloid of running a hit piece in an attempt to damage their client's reputation.
The investigative journalist uncovered evidence suggesting that the hit piece was part of a smear campaign orchestrated by the opposing political party.

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