to reload
إعادة تحميل, إعادة تعبئة
to put fresh ammunition into a firearm after it has been used
Transitive: to reload a firearm
During the intense firefight, the soldier skillfully managed to reload his rifle under cover.
In competitive shooting, speed and precision in reloading the firearm are crucial skills for success.
The experienced hunter knew the importance of being able to reload quickly while out in the field.
إعادة تحميل, تزويد
to place a new load or supply of something into a container
Transitive: to reload a container
During the intense firefight, the soldier skillfully managed to reload his rifle under cover.
In competitive shooting, speed and precision in reloading the firearm are crucial skills for success.
The experienced hunter knew the importance of being able to reload quickly while out in the field.
The police officer swiftly trained to reload her service revolver in various tactical scenarios.
After firing several rounds at the shooting range, he needed to reload his pistol.
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