to lie in
[phrase form: lie]
استلقاء في السرير, تمدد في السرير
to stay in bed longer than usual in the morning
I'm going to lie in on the weekends since I've been working so hard lately.
She often likes to lie in on Sundays and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.
The kids were excited to lie in on their summer vacation and sleep as late as they wanted.
تتمركز في, تنشأ في
originate (in)
تتراقد, ترقد
to rest or go to bed in preparation for giving birth
The midwife advised her to lie in and rest to conserve energy for labor.
The expectant mother felt a surge of excitement as she lay in, knowing that her baby would soon be born.
The hospital staff prepared the birthing room as the woman lay in, ready to embrace the miracle of birth.

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